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Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu Desktop Guide
Network problems
I can’t see my wireless network in the list
The wireless could be turned off or broken, or you may be trying to connect to a hidden network.
My computer connects to the wrong network
Edit your connection settings, and remove the unwanted connection option.
Other users can’t connect to the internet
You can save settings (like the password) for a network connection so that everyone who uses the computer will be able to connect to it.
Other users can’t edit the network connections
You need to uncheck the
Available to all users
option in the network connection settings.
The internet seems slow
Other things might be downloading, you could have a poor connection, or it could be a busy time of day.
Why does my wireless network keep disconnecting?
You might have low signal, or the network might not be letting you connect properly.
More Information
Networking, web & email
— Connect to wireless and wired networks. Stay safe with a VPN. Create a wireless hotspot.
See Also
Wireless networking
— Connect to wireless networks, including hidden networks and networks created from phone tethering.