Change date and measurement formats
You can control the formats that are used for dates, times, numbers, currency, and measurement to match the local customs of your region.
Open the Activities overview and start typing Region & Language.
Click on Region & Language to open the panel.
Click Formats.
Select the region and language that most closely matches the formats you would like to use. If your region and language are not listed, click
at the bottom of the list to select from all available regions and languages.
Click Done to save.
Respond to the prompt, Your session needs to be restarted for changes to take effect by clicking Restart Now, or click × to restart later.
After you have selected a region, the area to the right of the list shows various examples of how dates and other values are shown. Although not shown in the examples, your region also controls the starting day of the week in calendars.
If there are multiple user accounts on your system, there is a separate instance of the Region & Language panel for the login screen. Click the Login Screen button at the top right to toggle between the two instances.